Thales Undisclosed App
This is an application for UCI EECS 159A and 159B: Senior Design Project (for Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science & Engineering majors).
Notice I'm not none of those three majors. I took this for fun :P
I did try to appeal for graduation credits/to have this as an elective but I was told to switch majors in my last year at UCI...
Anyways, I learned a lot about Flutter. This project is under an NDA so I can't attach any photos nor speak to any specifics. But, I will say that I was primarily responsible for implementing bidirectional communication between an ESP32 device and a Flutter mobile application. I wrote code to connect to, read, and write data through both Bluetooth Low Energy via the Flutter Blue Plus package, and also Serial USB communication using the usb_serial flutter package. Finally, I learned a bit about the concept behind providers and consumers in the Flutter provider package.